Dieng Candi Arjuna
History of Dieng Tamples
It is unclear when they were built, and were estimated to range from mid 7th century to end of 8th century CE; they are the oldest known standing stone structures in Central Java. They are originally thought to have numbered 400 but only eight remain after local farmers removed stone following the draining of the lake in the 19th century.
Examining the Javanese temple architectural styles, archaeologist grouped the Dieng temples within the Northern Central Javanese style, together with Gedong Songo temples, and to some extents also includes the East Javanese Badut temple, and West Javanese Cangkuang and Bojongmenje temple, and suggested that all of these temples are built within the same period, ranges from 7th to 8th century. An inscription discovered near Arjuna temple in Dieng was dated circa 808-809 CE, it was the oldest surviving specimen of old Javanese script, which revealed that the Dieng temple is continuously inhabited from mid 7th to early 9th century.
The Dieng temples was rediscovered in 1814 by a visiting British soldier that spotted temples ruin lies in the middle of a lake. At that time the plain surrounding Arjuna cluster was flooded with water and forming small lake. In 1856, Isidore Van Kinsberg led an effort to drain the lake in order to reveal the temples. The Dutch East Indies Government continued the reconstruction project in 1864, followed by further study and photographs taken by Van Kinsbergen. The temples are now believed to have been named after the heroes of the Hindu epic Mahabrata.
Dieng's misty location almost 2,093 m above sea level, its poisonous effusions and sulphur-coloured lakes make it a particularly auspicious place for religious tribute. The theory that poisonous effusions make it auspicious is now disputed as volcanic activity in this area from 7th to 9th century is yet to established, and records suggest the temple was abandoned after volcanic eruptions became common in central Java.
Arjuna Cluster
The main temples compound clustered around the Arjuna temple in the plain surrounded by mountains and hills. Arjuna cluster located in the central area of Dieng plateau, consisting of four temples that lined elongated in north-south direction. Arjuna temple is located at the north end, then successively to the south is the Srikandi, Puntadewa and Sembadra temple. Right in front of Arjuna temple stands Semar temple. The four temples in this cluster are facing west, except for Semar temple that facing east right in the opposite of Arjuna temple. This temple compound is the most intact compared to the other temple group clustered in the Dieng area. Compared to other temples, the Arjuna temple is quite intact with complete reconstruction of roof section. Photographs from the 19th century show that the top levels had fallen down.
- Arjuna temple
- Semar temple
- Srikandi temple
- Puntadewa temple
- Sembadra temple
The temples are small shrines built as monuments to the god-ancestors and dedicated to Shiva. The Hindu shrines are miniature cosmic mountains based on plans in Indian religious texts, although Schoppert suggests that though the plans follow Indian texts, the ornament has "design motifs which for the most part have no clear correlate in India". In 2011, in a review published by Romain, the temples were related to Dravida and Pallava style temples of South India. The temples all have a single chamber inside, with one entrance, sometimes extended to make a small Vestibulle. The chambers are raised on plinths, and a cornice outside indicates their height inside. There is (or in some cases was) a high superstructure rising above the chamber, for which a variety of Indian forms are used in different temples.
Early North Central Javanese temple architecture is noted for its smaller size, simplicity and relatively lack of ornaments compared to richly decorated and massive temples of Southern Central Java, such as Kalasan, Sewu and Prambanan. The temples of North Central Java are grouped in irregular clusters, with individual variations of temples styles. This is in contrast to concentric mandala plan of Southern Central Java temples with uniform design of perwara (ancillary) temples.
The earliest architectural usage of the Javanese kala demonic masks and makara marine monsters are exhibited along the niches and doorways of the remaining structures.
The Dieng structures were small and relatively plain, but stone architecture developed substantially in only a matter of decades resulting in masterpieces such as the Pfambanan complex and Borobudur.
Bahasa Indonesia.
Candi Arjuna merupakan salah satu bangunan candi di kompleks percandian percandian Arjuna, Dieng. Candi Arjuna diperkirakan sebagai candi tertua, candi ini diperkirakan dibangun pada abad 8 Masehi oleh Dinasti Sanjaya dari Mataram Kuno. Di kompleks ini juga terdapat Candi semar. Candi Srikandi. Candi Puntadewa dan Candi Sembadra. Candi Arjuna terletak paling utara dari deretan percandian di kompleks tersebut. Sementara itu, Candi Semar adalah Candi Perwara atau pelengkap dari Candi Arjuna. Kedua bangunan candi ini saling berhadapan.
Seperti umumnya candi-candi di Dieng, masyarakat memberikan nama tokoh pewayangan Mahabarata sebagai nama candi.
Candi Arjuna menghadap ke Barat, di mana terdapat tangga menuju pintu masuk candi yang berada di bagian barat candi. Terdapat delapan anak tangga menuju bagian pintu candi di mana di bagian pinggir tangga terdapat penil dengan ujung berkepala naga. Bagian pintu candi terdapat bilik penampil selebar satu meter. Di atas pintu terdapat ukiran kalamakara. Dan di bagian atap dari ruang penampil berbentuk lancip seperti rumah limasan pada umumnya.
Disamping ruang penampil terdapat bilik penampil yang berada di kedua sisi bagian depan candi. Dimana biasanya diletakkan arca dibagian bilik penampil. Diatas bilik penampil juga terdapat ukiran kalamakara tanpa rahang yang terlihat melotot. Dibagian samping bilik penampil terdapat bingkai dengan ukiran bunga kertas khas India, sedangkan pada bagian bawah bingkai terdapat ukiran kepala naga. Di bagian Utara, Timur dan Selatan dinding candi terdapat relung yang biasanya digunakan untuk meletakkan arca. Diatas relung ini juga teradapat ukiran kalamakara. Serta di bagian sekitar relung teradapat bingkai yang menglilingi relung. Bagian samping relung terdapat ukiran berbentuk bunga kertas. Sedangkan di bagian bawah relung dibingkai dengan ukiran naga dengan mulut menganga. Dan di bawah relung, terdapat jalawara yang terletak di tengah bagian bawah candi ini.
Bagian atap candi Arjuna memiliki bentuk seperti piramida yang mengerucut tetapi lebih tinggi. Dan semakin ke atas ukurannya semakin kecil. Terdapat tiga tingkat, di mana setiap tingkat memiliki bilik penampil dengan ukuran yang lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan bilik penampil di bagian dinding candi. Semakin ke atas, bilik penampil juga semakin kecil, yang berada tepat di tengah-tengah setiap sisi candi. Di setiap sudut bagian atap candi terdapat hiasan yang memiliki bentuk mahkota bulat dengan ujung runcing. Namun, saat ini hiasan di setiap ujung atap banyak yang sudah rusak.
Di bagian dalam candi ini terdapat ruang untuk menaruh sesaji, atau yang biasa disebut dengan yoni. Yoni tersebut berbentuk segi emapt dengan bentuk mirip seperti meja, di mana di bagian atas lebih menjorok keluar. Di bagian atas terdapat lubang yang juga berbentuk segi empat, di mana lubang ini berfungsi untuk menampug air dari atap candi. Apabila air di lubang ini sudah penuh, air akan mengalir melalui jalur yang sudah disediakan, lalu dialirkan menuju bagian lingga yang kemudian dialirkan menuju bagian luar candi.
Lingkungan sekitar candi juga kurang mendukung pemeliharaan. Lahannya sudah lama digarap penduduk untuk lahan pertanian tanaman kentang, sayur-mayur, dan bunga-bungaan.
Saat ini, para wisatawan yang mengunjungi Candi Arjuna atau juga candi-candi lainnya tak akan menjumpai arca atau patung yang biasa dijumpai di dalam candi. Sebagian besar arca-arca tersebut disimpan di Museum Kailasa.
Mulai tahun 2010 kompleks Candi Arjuna mulai digunakan untuk pengembangan wisata yang dikemas oleh Dinas Pariwisata Banjarnegara dan Pokdarwis (Kelompok Sadar Wisata). Perayaan ini dinamakan Dieng Culture Festival. Selain, itu acara tahunan lainnya yang dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan perayaan ini adalah Jazz Atas Awan.
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